Sympathy Cards

By EcardForest Trustpilot verified reviews and score of EcardForest

Show support in difficult times

Let many people sign

Money collections

How to send a virtual sympathy card

Psst.. you can just sign a sample card
Select a condolences card - Step one -

Select a sympathy ecard

You receive the virtual card immediately in your browser. No registrations.
Let multiple people sign your sympathy ecard - Step two -

Let people sign

Invite others to sign the condolences ecard by sharing a link.
Share the sympathy ecard, signed by multiple people - Step three -

Send to the receiver

Share or schedule the sympathy ecard using the link under the ecard.
Create a Card

Included in every ecard

Each of our group ecards is packed with features!
Start a card to experience them, it takes 3s and is free to try!
Visualisation of a group ecard package with 20% discount

Endless Ecard Customization

Unlimited group signatures
Forever accessible online
GIFs, Images and stickers
Colors fonts, and much more!
Let multiple people sign your group card

Built for everybody

Intuitive card signing process
No accounts, no registrations
Scheduled sending
PDF download
Visualisation of a group ecard package with 20% discount

(Optional) Money Collection

Collect money, no limits!
500+ Gift cards available
Bank payout on request
Just try it!

More about our online sympathy cards

What is a group sympathy card?

Our condolences ecards are purely digital cards that can be signed by multiple people online. Create a sympathy ecard to offer your love and support to someone who has experienced a loss.

What to write on a condolences ecard?

Sometimes it's difficult to find the right words. Sharing memories or just writing "I'm thinking of you" in the online sympathy card can provide the needed support to the receiver. We have put together some recommendations on what to write in different types of sympathy cards, including for coworkers, family members, and when a pet has passed away.